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Create user and assign it to role/group

This examples show how you can create user and how to assign user to groups or roles.

Create user
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient;

namespace DocuWare.PlatformClientExamples
    static partial class Examples
        static public User CreateUser(Organization org, string userName)
            NewUser createUser = new NewUser();
            createUser.DbName = userName;
            createUser.Name = userName;
            createUser.Email = string.Format("email{0}", createUser.DbName);
            createUser.NetworkId = "";
            createUser.Password = "password";

            return org.PostToUserInfoRelationForUser(createUser);

Add/remove user to role
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient;

namespace DocuWare.PlatformClientExamples
    static partial class Examples
        static public void AssignUserToRole(User user, Role role)
            //Add user to the role
            user.PutToRolesRelationForString(new AssignmentOperation { OperationType = AssignmentOperationType.Add, Ids = new List<string>() { role.Id } });

            //Remove user form the role
            user.PutToRolesRelationForString(new AssignmentOperation { OperationType = AssignmentOperationType.Remove, Ids = new List<string>() { role.Id } });
Add/remove user to group
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient;

namespace DocuWare.PlatformClientExamples
    static partial class Examples
        static public void AssignUserToGroup(User user, Group group)
            //Add user to the group
            user.PutToGroupsRelationForString(new AssignmentOperation { OperationType = AssignmentOperationType.Add, Ids = new List<string>() { group.Id } });

            //Remove user form the group
            user.PutToGroupsRelationForString(new AssignmentOperation { OperationType = AssignmentOperationType.Remove, Ids = new List<string>() { group.Id } });
See Also