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Synchronous and Asynchronous API

The DocuWare Platform .NET API provides synchronous and asynchronous access to DocuWare. While the synchronous API is simple and easy to use in many cases, the asynchronous API provides functions to write asynchronous code. When using the async/await pattern introduced in .NET 4.5 you can write responsive applications with less effort.

The asynchronous API allows access to the header of a response. For instance, if you want to get the suggested file name or the content type of a downloaded file you must use the asynchronous API.

In the Code Examples both the synchronous and asynchronous operations are listed.

Using the asynchronous API

All asynchronous functions end with "Async". They return a Task or TaskTResult instance. The response is wrapped in a DeserializedHttpResponse object which allows you access to all headers of the response.

See Also