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TableResultHeader Class
Header for a column table result from document query
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient
Assembly: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient (in DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient.dll) Version: Version 6.10 [UNOFFICIAL BUILD]
[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "")]
[XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", 
	IsNullable = true)]
public class TableResultHeader

The TableResultHeader type exposes the following members.

Public methodTableResultHeader
Creates a new instance of this class
Public propertyFieldLabel
Contains the label of the field.
Public propertyFieldName
Contains the internal name of the field.
Public propertyIsDocumentName
Indicates whether the field is document name
Public propertyKind
Kind of the field. System, index or additional (calculated fields like total page count, special values like text preview etc.).
Public propertyType
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameCabinetname
The name of the field for file cabinet name.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameCreatedAtLocalTimeZone
The name of the field for the date created at the local time zone of the client.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameDocumentIntellixUrl
The name of the field for document intellix URL.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameDocumentTitle
The name of the field for thumbnail etag.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameFirstSectionId
The name of the field for first section identifier.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameHasAppendedDocuments
The name of the field for whether the document has appended documents.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameIsCheckedOut
The name of the field for whether the document is checked out.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameIsCold
The name of the field for whether it is a cold document.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameIsCopyRightProtected
The name of the field for whether the document is right protected.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameIsDbRecord
The name of the field for whether the document is database record.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameIsDeleted
The name of the field for whether the document is deleted.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameIsEmail
The name of the field for whether the document is email.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameIsProtected
The name of the field for whether the document is protected.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameIsVoiceAvailable
The name of the field for whether the document has voice annotation.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameTextPreview
The name of the field for text preview.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameThumbnailEtag
The name of the field for thumbnail etag.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameTotalPageCount
The name of the field for total page count.
Public fieldStatic memberFieldNameVersionStatus
The name of the field for the version status of the document.