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ResultDialogFunctionType Enumeration

Namespace: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient
Assembly: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient (in DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient.dll) Version: Version 6.8
[XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", 
	IsNullable = false)]
[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public enum ResultDialogFunctionType
  Member nameValueDescription
StartNewRetrieval0 Function for initiating a new search. The search dialog contains the search terms used in the last search.
LinkSearch1 Function for displaying documents linked to a document selected in the result list. It opens a dialog listing all the link definitions for that document. When you select one of these definitions, the linked documents are displayed.
DisplayDocument2 Function for displaying the document in the Viewer.
DisplayInfoBox3 Function for opening the infobox for a highlighted document. This allows you to view and modify all database entries for the document as well as the contents of the system fields - such as store date and DocID.
PrintSelectedDocument4 Function for printing documents that are selected in the result list.
DeleteSelectedDocument5 Function for deleting documents selected in the result list.
CopyToBasket6 Function that allows you to place a copy of the selected documents in the selected basket / document tray in Windows Client or Web Client.
Versions7 Function that allows you to show or hide checked-out documents Checked-out documents can only be viewed by other users. No overlays can be shown, and no stamps added.
AppendFromBasket8 Function that allows you to attach selected documents from the selected basket / document tray to a document or database entry in the result list.
DownloadAsOriginal9 The function for downloading a document in the original format from a result list.
DownloadAsPDFWithoutAnno10 The function for downloading a document from a result list in PDF format without annotations.
DownloadAsPDFWithAnno11 The function for downloading a document from a result list in PDF format with annotations.
SendAsOriginal12 The function for sending a document in the original format from a result list as an email attachment.
SendAsPDFWithoutAnno13 The function for sending a document from a result list in PDF format without annotations as an email attachment.
SendAsPDFWithAnno14 The function for sending a document from a result list in PDF format with annotations as an email attachment.
SendAsHyperlink15 The function for sending a document from a result list as a hyperlink in an email.
SendResultList16 The function for sending a currently open result list by email. A hyperlink is inserted in the email with the search query on which the current result list is based.
EMailReply17 The function for creating a reply email to an email that is stored in DocuWare. If this function is used in the result list, the email client, e.g. Outlook, opens with a normal reply email.
EMailReplyAll18 The function for creating a reply email to all parties for an email that is stored in DocuWare. If this function is used in the result list, the email client, e.g. Outlook, opens with a normal reply-to-all email.
EMailForward19 The function for forwarding an email that is stored in DocuWare. If this function is used in the result list, the email client, e.g. Outlook, opens with a normal forward email.
ShowInSeparateViewer20 The function for opening the documents of a result list in different viewers. A new Viewer is opened for each document when you want to view the document. This makes it easy to compare documents with each other.
EditDocument21 The function for editing documents in the original program and saving the changes back to the archived document.
ShowWorkflowHistory22 Function for displaying the workflow tracking which is linked to the document.
ExportToCSV23 Function for exporting the document to CSV.
CreateREQUEST24 Functions for storing the documents in a DocuWare Request.
ChangeIndexOfMultipleDocuments25 Function for selecting several documents, calling up an index field and editing the entry for all selected documents.
CheckOutToBasket26 The function for checking out a document from the file cabinet to a basket / document tray and editing it there. During this time, the document is locked in the file cabinet, but can be viewed in read-only mode.
CheckOutToFileSystem27 The function for checking out a document from the file cabinet to a Windows file system and editing it there. During this time, the document is locked in the file cabinet, but can be viewed in read-only mode.
ChangeDocumentStatus28 The function for setting the status of a document version from, e.g. "Out of Date" or "In Progress" to "Up to Date".
ShowVersionHistory29 The function for displaying all versions of a document.
CopyIntoAnotherFileCabinet30 Function that allows you to copy a selected document into a different file cabinet.