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Section Class
Define a single section of a document
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient
Assembly: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient (in DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient.dll) Version: Version 6.7 [UNOFFICIAL BUILD]
[XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", 
	IsNullable = false)]
[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public class Section : IChunkable, IRelationsWithProxy, 

The Section type exposes the following members.

Public methodSection
Creates a new instance of this class
Public methodGetDocumentContentFromTextshotRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “textshot”.
Public methodGetDocumentContentFromTextshotRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “textshot” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentFromDocumentRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “document”.
Public methodGetDocumentFromDocumentRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “document” asynchronously.
Public methodGetSectionFromSelfRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “self”.
Public methodGetSectionFromSelfRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “self” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromContentRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “content”.
Public methodGetStreamFromContentRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “content” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImage”.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImage” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageWithAnnotationRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImageWithAnnotation”.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageWithAnnotationRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImageWithAnnotation” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromFileDownloadRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “fileDownload”.
Public methodGetStreamFromFileDownloadRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “fileDownload” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromIconRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “icon”.
Public methodGetStreamFromIconRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “icon” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromTextAnnotationRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “textAnnotation”.
Public methodGetStreamFromTextAnnotationRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “textAnnotation” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromThumbnailRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “thumbnail”.
Public methodGetStreamFromThumbnailRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “thumbnail” asynchronously.
Public methodGetWordSearchResultFromPositionsRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “positions”.
Public methodGetWordSearchResultFromPositionsRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “positions” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToContentRelationForSection
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “content”.
Public methodPostToContentRelationForSectionAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “content” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToFileDownloadRelationForStream
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “fileDownload”.
Public methodPostToFileDownloadRelationForStreamAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “fileDownload” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToPositionsRelationForWordSearchResult
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “positions”.
Public methodPostToPositionsRelationForWordSearchResultAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “positions” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToTextAnnotationRelationForStream
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “textAnnotation”.
Public methodPostToTextAnnotationRelationForStreamAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “textAnnotation” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToContentRelationForSection
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “content”.
Public methodPutToContentRelationForSectionAsync
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “content” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToTextshotRelationForString
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “textshot”.
Public methodPutToTextshotRelationForStringAsync
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “textshot” asynchronously.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodChunkUploadSection
Replaces the content of a section with the passed file Upload the specified file in chunks.
(Defined by FileCabinetExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteTResponse(String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a HTTP DELETE message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteTResponse(HttpClient, String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a HTTP DELETE message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodEasyReplaceFile
Uploads the specified file as new section to the specified document.
(Defined by EasyFileUploadExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetTResponse(String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a HTTP GET message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodGetTResponse(HttpClient, String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a HTTP GET message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodGetBaseUri
Gets the base URI of the specified relations instance.
(Defined by RelationsWithProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetLink
Gets the link by its name.
(Defined by RelationExtension.)
Public Extension MethodGetRelationUri
Gets the URI of the relation specified by the name.
(Defined by RelationExtension.)
Public Extension MethodGetRelationUriOrThrow
Gets the URI of the relation specified by the name.
(Defined by RelationExtension.)
Public Extension MethodHasRelationUri
Determines whether the specified link exists.
(Defined by RelationExtension.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse(HttpMethod, String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified proxy.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse(String, HttpMethod, HttpContent, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse(HttpMethod, HttpClient, String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse, TRequest(String, HttpMethod, String, TRequest, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse, TRequest(HttpClient, String, HttpMethod, String, TRequest, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public propertyContentModified
Time when content is last modified
Public propertyContentRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “content”.
Public propertyContentType
The internet media type of the section. If there is no section this value is missing.
Public propertyDeepZoomImageRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “deepZoomImage”.
Public propertyDeepZoomImageWithAnnotationRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “deepZoomImageWithAnnotation”.
Public propertyDocumentRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “document”.
Public propertyFileChunk
Contains data for a file chunk during a big file upload. This data is created on the server of every chunk request.
Public propertyFileDownloadRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “fileDownload”.
Public propertyFileSize
The size of the file in bytes.
Public propertyHasTextAnnotation
Contains true if the section has text annotation.
Public propertyHaveMorePages
Contains true if all pages are known so PageCount contains exact number the pages in section. If the value is set to false there are more pagesm but at least the number set in PageCount
Public propertyIconRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “icon”.
Public propertyId
Identity of the section
Public propertyLinks
Public propertyOriginalFileName
Time when content is last modified
Public propertyPageCount
The number of pages of this section, if known. If it is unknown, this value is -1.
Public propertyPages
Contains one or more pages of the document, if there are pages available.
Public propertyPositionsRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “positions”.
Public propertySelfRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “self”.
Public propertySignatureStatus
Define allowed operations when there is signature
Public propertyTextAnnotationRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “textAnnotation”.
Public propertyTextshotRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “textshot”.
Public propertyThumbnailRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “thumbnail”.
Public propertyThumbnails
Similar to Pages, but contains only links and page number.
Explicit Interface Implementations