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DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient Namespace
Public classAdditionalOrganizationInfo
Additional information for organization
Public classAdhocRenderingFile
Main class for managing adhoc rendering file.
Public classAdhocRenderingFiles
A list of uploaded files prepared for adhoc rendering.
Public classAdhocRenderingQuery
Specifies how a file is to be rendered.
Public classAnnotation
Annotation element. Contains all annotations for a specific page in up to 5 layers
Public classAnnotationPoint
Define point of annotation.
Public classAnnotationRectangle
Define rectangular annotation.
Public classAnnotationsPlacement
Describes how to place a set of annotations and stamps on a page.
Public classAppendActionDocuments
Cabinet specific document info needed for document append action
Public classAppendActionParameters
Specific data for append action
Public classAssignmentOperation
Add or remove assignments.
Public classAttachFileField
Public classBatchUpdateDialogExpressionSource
Public classBatchUpdateDocumentsSource
Public classBatchUpdateIndexFieldsResult
Structure for the result of batch update oparations.
Public classBatchUpdateProcess
A class which contains data for batch update processes.
Public classBatchUpdateProcessData
Public classBatchUpdateResultItem
Public classBatchUpdateSource
The base for defining a sequence of documents to be updated.
Public classBitmapStamp
Stamp that applies an image.
Public classBitmapStampEntry
Bitmap stamp. Png encoded image.
Public classCFSSpecificValue
Public classCFSStatisticGeneral
Public classCFSStatisticSpecific
Public classCheckGroup
Public classCheckInActionParameters
Parameters for CheckIn action
Public classCheckOutActionParameters
Parameters for CheckOut action
Public classCheckOutResult
Result from a checkout. Contains link where document can be downloaded
Public classCheckOutToFileSystemInfo
Empty structure for checkout to file system operation
Public classContentDivideOperationInfo
Models a DocuWare content divide operation.
Public classContentMergeOperationInfo
Models a DocuWare content merge operation.
Public classContentType
Public classContentTypeList
Public classContentTypeListComplexType
Public classContentTypeListContentType
Public classContentTypeListSchemaType
Public classContentTypeMapping
Maps content types to file extensions.
Public classCopyTemplateInput
Public classCopyTemplateResult
Public classCountExpression
The expression for counting a documents.
Public classCountPlusValue
Define unstrict count. If HasMore is true it is possible to have more items
Public classCountResult
Result set of of item counts
Public classCountResultItem
Result of item count
Public classCreatedInfo
Info about creation of item.
Public classCreateFormsFileResult
Public classDateField
Public classDecisionFormFieldValue
Public classDecisionStampPlacement
Public classDeleteEntry
Entry that delete annotation spcified by its Id
Public classDeleteTemplatesInput
Public classDeleteTemplatesResult
Public classDialog
Public classDialogExpression
Query definition for a dialog result list
Public classDialogExpressionCondition
Condition for specific database name (field)
Public classDialogField
Public classDialogFields
List of dialog fields.
Public classDialogInfo
General properties of any dialog.
Public classDialogInfos
List of dialog infos.
Public classDialogProperties
Specific properties for each dialog type
Public classDialogPropertiesResultList
Dialog properties specific for Result List
Public classDialogPropertiesSearch
Dialog properties specific for Search Dialog
Public classDialogPropertiesTaskList
Dialog properties specific for Task lists
Public classDialogPropertiesTreeView
Dialog properties specific for Tree list
Public classDocument
Public classDocumentActionInfo
Information about the action pereformed on document
Public classDocumentActionParameters
Basic parameters for specific action
Public classDocumentAnnotations
Descripes how to place a set of annotations and stamps on a document.
Public classDocumentAnnotationsPlacement
Descripes how to place a set of annotations and stamps on a document.
Public classDocumentApplicationProperties
Define application specific properties. Different applications store specific application here
Public classDocumentApplicationProperty
Define application specific property
Public classDocumentFlags
Define possible flags for a document
Public classDocumentIndexField
Public classDocumentIndexFieldKeywords
List of keywords
Public classDocumentIndexFields
List of index fields
Public classDocumentIndexFieldValue
Public classDocumentIndexFieldValueBase
Public classDocumentLink
Define a query that link one documnet to another document from same or different file cabinet
Public classDocumentLinks
Define all document links that a vlid for a document
Public classDocumentsQuery
Defines a query for documents.
Public classDocumentsQueryResult
Define a result from document query
Public classDocumentsQueryTableResult
Define table result from document query
Public classDocumentsQueryTableResultHeader
Header for a column table result from document query
Public classDocumentsTransferInfo
Defines the parameters of a documents transfer.
Public classDocumentVersion
Document version info
Public classDocumentWordSearchResult
Public classDocumentWordSearchResultSectionHits
Public classDolphinAttribute
Marks that this link or this property or this function is available since DocuWare 6.6.
Public classDropDownList
Public classDWPoint
Public classDWRectangle
Public classDWSize
Public classEagleAttribute
Marks that this link or this property or this function is available since DocuWare 6.7.
Public classEasyCheckoutCheckinExtensionsBase
Some extensions for handling responses which can be stored as files.
Public classEasyCheckoutResult
The result of a checkout operation.
Public classEasyFileUploadExtensionsBase
Some extensions for simple file uploads.
Public classEnhanceImageParameters
Parameters for EnhanceImage action
Public classEntryBase
Base element for annotation entry.
Public classExportQuery
Public classExportSettings
Public classFieldValueStatistics
Value with statistics.
Public classFieldValueStatisticsExpression
The expression for field statistics.
Public classFieldValueStatisticsResult
Public classFileCabinet
Models a DocuWare file cabinet or a web basket(document tray).
Public classFileCabinetExtensionsBase
Extensions for the file cabinet.
Public classFileCabinetField
Public classFileCabinetFields
List of file cabinet fields.
Public classFileCabinets
Lsit of file cabinets or document trays(web baskets).
Public classFileCabinetTransferInfo
Public classFileDownload
Define how a document can be downloaded
Public classFileDownloadBase
Define how a page of a document can be downloaded
Public classFileDownloadPage
Public classFileNameExtensions
A class to handle file name encoding
Public classFixedText
Public classFlagConditions
Filter documents with specific flags
Public classFont
Public classFormFieldValue
Contains the value of form field
Public classFormFieldValues
The form field values which are applied when placing or rendering the stamp.
Public classFormInfo
Form object used for displaying form
Public classFormsInput
Input used to submit form and store in DocuWare
Public classFormTemplate
Definition of the Save Template
Public classFormTemplates
Array of form templates
Public classFoxAttribute
Marks that this link or this property or this function is available since DocuWare 6.8.
Public classGeckoAttribute
Marks that this link or this property or this function is available since DocuWare 6.9.
Public classGetTemplateImageInput
Public classGetTemplateImageResult
Public classGroup
Defines a DocuWare group
Public classGroups
A collection of groups
Public classHawkAttribute
Marks that this link or this property or this function is available since DocuWare 6.10.
Public classHeadline
Public classHttpMethodList
Public classImportEntryVersion
Defines the result of the imported archive.
Public classImportResult
Defines the result of the imported archive.
Public classImportResultEntry
Defines the result of the imported archive.
Public classImportSettings
Public classIntegerList
Define a list of integers values
Public classLayer
Layer element. Contains annotations in a specific layer. Annotation can have up to 5 layers.
Public classLineEntry
Line/Arrow annotation
Public classLinkInvoke
Public classLinkRelation
Public classLinkRelations
Public classLockInfo
Define how a document will be locked
Public classLogicalOperator
Public classLoginInfo
Details abut user login
Public classMergeAnnotationsParameters
Parameters for MergeAnnotations action
Public classMinimalVersionAttribute
Marks the minimal version needed to have this link or this property or this function available.
Public classMultiLineTextField
Public classNewUser
User details.
Public classNotification
A data stucture for implementing simple notifications.
Public classNotifications
A data stucture for managing notifications.
Public classNumberField
Public classOrganization
Definition for DocuWare organization.
Public classOrganizations
List of organizations
Public classOrganizationUser
Defines a user in specific organization
Public classOutOfOffice
Defines when a user is out of office
Public classPage
Gets the vertical size of a page image in pixels. In case of vector images this is the maximal pixel height which can be rendered.
Public classPageData
Define a metadata for a page
Public classPageHits
Contains a set pages where of words are found
Public classPages
Define a collection of pages
Public classPagesBlockQuery
A query for requesting page blocks.
Public classPlatformClientConfiguration
A interface which is used to calculate a hash to identify the machine or device the application is running.
Public classPointAndShootInfo
Public classPolyLineEntry
PloyLine annotation. Conatins a single stroke of points.
Public classPolyLineStampEntry
Tablet polyline stamp. Contains one or more strokes. Used as handwriting stamp
Public classQueryParamater
Public classQueryParamatersList
Public classRadioGroup
Public classRectEntry
Rectangle or Ellipse annotation
Public classRegionalSettings
Defines user locale
Public classRequestDialogQuery
Array of dialog types.
Public classResultDialogFunction
Function of result list
Public classResultListQuery
Base query definition for a result list
Public classRights
List of rights.
Public classRole
Defines a DocuWare role
Public classRoles
A collection of roles
Public classRotatePageParameters
Parameters for RotatePage action
Public classSaveTemplateInput
Save Template
Public classSaveTemplateResult
Public classSchemaExtensions
Public classSearchPositionQuery
Define a query for searching words in phrase
Public classSection
Define a single section of a document
Public classSectionAnnotation
Describes how to place a set of annotations and stamps on a section.
Public classSectionAnnotationsPlacement
Describes how to place a set of annotations and stamps on a section.
Public classSections
Define all sections of a document
Public classSelectListExpression
Query definition for a select list
Public classSelectListResult
Select list values.
Public classServiceConnection
Encapsulates a connection to the platform.
Public classServiceConnectionExtensions
Public classServiceDescription
Root object that define platform structure.
Public classServiceDescriptionDocumentation
Public classServiceDescriptionStatistics
Public classServiceDescriptionTests
Public classSignatureField
Public classSortedField
Defines a sort by a field.
Public classSortedFieldsList
Defines a list of sorted fields.
Public classStamp
Models a DocuWare stamp.
Public classStampBase
Stamp base type. Inherited by 3 types: TextStamp, BitmapStamp, PolyLineStamp
Public classStampField
Public classStampFormField
A form field for variable text to a text stamp.
Public classStampFormFieldValues
The form field values which are applied when placing or rendering a specific stamp.
Public classStampPlacement
Describes how to place a stamp on a page.
Public classStamps
List of stamps.
Public classStroke
Sequence of points that define a PloyLine.
Public classStrokeStamp
Stamp that allows you to add a signature using an electronic pen.
Public classSuggestionField
Public classSuggestionFields
Public classSuggestionValue
Public classSynchronizationSettings
Public classTextEntry
Annotation that contains text
Public classTextField
Public classTextStamp
Stamp that applies a defined text.
Public classTextStampEntry
Text stamp. Value contains the text.
Public classTokenDescription
Define a purpose of the token. Can define some restrictions
Public classUpdateIndexFieldsInfo
Structure for updating index fields, including the index fields values and the dialog used for updating.
Public classUploadedFileChunk
Public classUploadTemplateInput
Public classUploadTemplateResult
Public classUser
User details and settings
Public classUserDefinedSearchInfo
Options for creating user defined search based on result list.
Public classUserInfo
Information related to a user
Public classUsers
Defines a list of users
Public classUserValidation
User details needed for validation user login
Public classViewerDialog
Public classWebFormControl
Base class for web form fields
Public classWebFormControls
List of web form fields
Public classWebFormField
Public classWebFormListOptions
List of options for a drop down
Public classWebFormOption
An option for a check box or radio group
Public classWebFormOptions
List of options for a check box or radio group
Public classWordSearchResult
Define a a set of words and locations where they are found in a section
Public classWordSearchResultPageHit
Define a a set of words and locations where they are found in a page
Public classWordSearchResultWordHit
Define a word and specific location where it is found
Public classWordSearchResultWordHits
Define a a set of words and locations where they are found
Public classXmlDSigContentType
Public classXmlSchema
Public classXmlSchemas
Public classZone
Definition of a Template Zone
Public classZones
Array of template Zones
Public interfaceIChunkable
An interface for items which can be uploaded in chunks.
Public enumerationAlignmentType
Public enumerationAssignmentOperationType
Types of the assignment operation.
Public enumerationCFSTableNames
Public enumerationChecksumStatusType
Define a result from a checksum
Public enumerationContentDivideOperation
Subset of content operations.
Public enumerationContentMergeOperation
Subset of content operations.
Public enumerationDialogExpressionOperation
Supported operations for dialog expression
Public enumerationDialogTypes
Types of dialogs.
Public enumerationDocumentAction
Actions pereformed on document (ReIntellix e.g.)
Public enumerationDocumentSourceType
Specifies the source of documents which trigger jobs in the DocuWare Job Framework. Also used to identify the type of configuration edited in the Job Configurator (Printer Configurator, Import Configurator etc.)
Public enumerationDWFieldType
Type of a DocuWare file cabinet field. Please Do Not Change order because it matches DocuWare.FileCabinet.Settings.DocuWareType
Public enumerationDWProductTypes
Subset of DocuWare license types.
Public enumerationDWSystemVariableName
Public enumerationDynamicValueType
Public enumerationFileCabinetFieldScope
The scope of the file cabinet field.
Public enumerationFileDownloadType
Define the format that will be used to download a document
Public enumerationHttpMethod
Public enumerationImportEntryStatus
Public enumerationImportEntryVersionStatus
Public enumerationIntellixFieldTrust
Public enumerationIntellixTrust
Define how much the intellix result is reliable
Public enumerationItemChoiceType
Public enumerationLetterCase
Public enumerationPlatformImageFormat
Define a supported image formats in platform
Public enumerationQueryParamaterType
Public enumerationResultDialogFunctionType
Public enumerationRight
Public enumerationRoleTypes
A predefined DocuWare role types
Public enumerationSelectListType
Type of the select list
Public enumerationSignatureStatus
Define allowed operations when there is signature
Public enumerationSortDirection
Define a sort direction
Public enumerationStampSignatureType
Signature wise stamps.
Public enumerationSynchronizationOperation
Define the operation that will be applied on synchronizing.
Public enumerationTokenUsage
Usage of the token.
Public enumerationVersionManagementMode
Public enumerationVersionManagementStatus
Define the version management status of a document
Public enumerationViewerDialogModes
Mode in which the viewer is opened to display a document
Public enumerationXmlDSigStatusType