Document ClassDocuWare Platform .NET API
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient
Assembly: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient (in DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient.dll) Version: Version 6.6

[XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", 
	IsNullable = false)]
[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public class Document : IRelationsWithProxy, IRelations

The Document type exposes the following members.


Public methodDocument
Creates a new instance of this class

Public methodDeleteLockRelation
Calls the HTTP Delete method on the link for the relation “lock”.
Public methodDeleteLockRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Delete method on the link for the relation “lock” asynchronously.
Public methodDeleteSelfRelation
Calls the HTTP Delete method on the link for the relation “self”.
Public methodDeleteSelfRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Delete method on the link for the relation “self” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentApplicationPropertiesFromAppPropertiesRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “appProperties”.
Public methodGetDocumentApplicationPropertiesFromAppPropertiesRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “appProperties” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentFromLatestVersionRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “latestVersion”.
Public methodGetDocumentFromLatestVersionRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “latestVersion” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentFromSelfRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “self”.
Public methodGetDocumentFromSelfRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “self” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentIndexFieldsFromFieldsRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “fields”.
Public methodGetDocumentIndexFieldsFromFieldsRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “fields” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentLinksFromDocumentLinksRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “documentLinks”.
Public methodGetDocumentLinksFromDocumentLinksRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “documentLinks” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentsQueryResultFromVersionHistoryRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “versionHistory”.
Public methodGetDocumentsQueryResultFromVersionHistoryRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “versionHistory” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentWordSearchResultFromPositionsRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “positions”.
Public methodGetDocumentWordSearchResultFromPositionsRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “positions” asynchronously.
Public methodGetSectionsFromSectionsRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “sections”.
Public methodGetSectionsFromSectionsRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “sections” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromChecksumStatusRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “checksumStatus”.
Public methodGetStreamFromChecksumStatusRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “checksumStatus” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromContentRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “content”.
Public methodGetStreamFromContentRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “content” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImage”.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImage” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageWithAnnotationRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImageWithAnnotation”.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageWithAnnotationRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImageWithAnnotation” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromFileDownloadRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “fileDownload”.
Public methodGetStreamFromFileDownloadRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “fileDownload” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromResultListIconRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “resultListIcon”.
Public methodGetStreamFromResultListIconRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “resultListIcon” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromTextAnnotationRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “textAnnotation”.
Public methodGetStreamFromTextAnnotationRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “textAnnotation” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromThumbnailRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “thumbnail”.
Public methodGetStreamFromThumbnailRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “thumbnail” asynchronously.
Public methodGetSuggestionFieldsFromSuggestionsRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “suggestions”.
Public methodGetSuggestionFieldsFromSuggestionsRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “suggestions” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToAppPropertiesRelationForDocumentApplicationProperties
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “appProperties”.
Public methodPostToAppPropertiesRelationForDocumentApplicationPropertiesAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “appProperties” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToCheckInFromFileSystemRelationForDocument
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “checkInFromFileSystem”.
Public methodPostToCheckInFromFileSystemRelationForDocumentAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “checkInFromFileSystem” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToCheckoutToFileSystemRelationForStream
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “checkoutToFileSystem”.
Public methodPostToCheckoutToFileSystemRelationForStreamAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “checkoutToFileSystem” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToContentRelationForStream
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “content”.
Public methodPostToContentRelationForStreamAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “content” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToFileDownloadRelationForStream
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “fileDownload”.
Public methodPostToFileDownloadRelationForStreamAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “fileDownload” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToLockRelationForString
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “lock”.
Public methodPostToLockRelationForStringAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “lock” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToPositionsRelationForDocumentWordSearchResult
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “positions”.
Public methodPostToPositionsRelationForDocumentWordSearchResultAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “positions” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToRightsRelationForSection
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “rights”.
Public methodPostToRightsRelationForSectionAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “rights” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToSectionsRelationForSection
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “sections”.
Public methodPostToSectionsRelationForSectionAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “sections” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToSelfRelationForDocument
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “self”.
Public methodPostToSelfRelationForDocumentAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “self” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToTextAnnotationRelationForStream
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “textAnnotation”.
Public methodPostToTextAnnotationRelationForStreamAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “textAnnotation” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToVersionHistoryRelationForDocumentsQueryResult
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “versionHistory”.
Public methodPostToVersionHistoryRelationForDocumentsQueryResultAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “versionHistory” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToClippedDocumentsRelationForDocument
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “clippedDocuments”.
Public methodPutToClippedDocumentsRelationForDocumentAsync
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “clippedDocuments” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToContentDivideOperationRelationForDocumentsQueryResult
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “contentDivideOperation”.
Public methodPutToContentDivideOperationRelationForDocumentsQueryResultAsync
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “contentDivideOperation” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToFieldsRelationForDocumentIndexFields(DocumentIndexFields)
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “fields”.
Public methodPutToFieldsRelationForDocumentIndexFields(UpdateIndexFieldsInfo)
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “fields”.
Public methodPutToFieldsRelationForDocumentIndexFieldsAsync(DocumentIndexFields)
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “fields” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToFieldsRelationForDocumentIndexFieldsAsync(UpdateIndexFieldsInfo)
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “fields” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToProcessDocumentActionRelationForDocument
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “processDocumentAction”.
Public methodPutToProcessDocumentActionRelationForDocumentAsync
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “processDocumentAction” asynchronously.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAddDocumentSections
Appends one or more new sections to the specified document.
(Defined by FileCabinetExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAddDocumentSectionsAsync
Appends one or more new sections to the specified document asynchronously.
(Defined by FileCabinetExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteTResponse(String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a HTTP DELETE message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodDeleteTResponse(HttpClient, String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a HTTP DELETE message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodGetTResponse(String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a HTTP GET message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodGetTResponse(HttpClient, String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a HTTP GET message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodGetBaseUri
Gets the base URI of the specified relations instance.
(Defined by RelationsWithProxyExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetLink
Gets the link by its name.
(Defined by RelationExtension.)
Public Extension MethodGetRelationUri
Gets the URI of the relation specified by the name.
(Defined by RelationExtension.)
Public Extension MethodGetRelationUriOrThrow
Gets the URI of the relation specified by the name.
(Defined by RelationExtension.)
Public Extension MethodHasRelationUri
Determines whether the specified link exists.
(Defined by RelationExtension.)
Public Extension MethodLockAsync
Locks this instance and returns a DocumentLock object which can be used to unlock this document later.
(Defined by DocumentLockExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse(HttpMethod, String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified proxy.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse(String, HttpMethod, HttpContent, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse(HttpMethod, HttpClient, String, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse, TRequest(String, HttpMethod, String, TRequest, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)
Public Extension MethodSendTResponse, TRequest(HttpClient, String, HttpMethod, String, TRequest, String)Overloaded.
Sends a message to the specified HTTP client.
(Defined by MethodInvocation.)

Public propertyApplicationProperties
Public propertyAppPropertiesRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “appProperties”.
Public propertyCheckInFromFileSystemRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “checkInFromFileSystem”.
Public propertyCheckoutToFileSystemRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “checkoutToFileSystem”.
Public propertyChecksumStatusRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “checksumStatus”.
Public propertyClippedDocumentsRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “clippedDocuments”.
Public propertyContentDivideOperationRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “contentDivideOperation”.
Public propertyContentRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “content”.
Public propertyContentType
The internet media type of the document. If there is no section this value is missing.
Public propertyCreatedAt
Public propertyCreatedAtSpecified
Public propertyDeepZoomImageRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “deepZoomImage”.
Public propertyDeepZoomImageWithAnnotationRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “deepZoomImageWithAnnotation”.
Public propertyDocumentLinksRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “documentLinks”.
Public propertyFields
Public propertyFieldsRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “fields”.
Public propertyFileChunk
Public propertyFileDownloadRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “fileDownload”.
Public propertyFileSize
The sum of the size of all section files and document header.
Public propertyFlags
Public propertyHasTextAnnotation
Contains true if document has a text annotation
Public propertyHaveMoreTotalPages
Contains true if all pages are known so PageCount contains exact number the pages in section. If the value is set to false there are more pagesm but at least the number set in PageCount
Public propertyId
Public propertyIntellixRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “intellix”.
Public propertyIntellixTrust
Intellix status
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the DocumentIndexField with the specified field name.
Public propertyLastModified
Public propertyLastModifiedSpecified
Public propertyLatestVersionRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “latestVersion”.
Public propertyLinks
Public propertyLockRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “lock”.
Public propertyPositionsRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “positions”.
Public propertyPreview
Public propertyProcessDocumentActionRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “processDocumentAction”.
Public propertyResultListIconRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “resultListIcon”.
Public propertyRightsRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “rights”.
Public propertySectionCount
The number of sections of this document. This number is equal to the sequence length of the Sections element.
Public propertySections
Public propertySectionsRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “sections”.
Public propertySelfRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “self”.
Public propertySuggestions
Public propertySuggestionsRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “suggestions”.
Public propertyTextAnnotationRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “textAnnotation”.
Public propertyTextShot
Public propertyThumbnailRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “thumbnail”.
Public propertyTitle
The title of the document, if it exists.
Public propertyTotalPages
The number of pages of this section, if known. If it is unknown, this value is -1.
Public propertyUnclipRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “unclip”.
Public propertyVersion
Public propertyVersionHistoryRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “versionHistory”.
Public propertyVersionStatus
Version management status of the document
Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationsWithProxyProxy

See Also
