DocumentsQueryResult PropertiesDocuWare Platform .NET API

The DocumentsQueryResult type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBatchUpdateRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “batchUpdate”.
Public propertyCount
Gets the number of items of the query leading to this result.
Public propertyCreateUserDefinedSearchRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “createUserDefinedSearch”.
Public propertyDownloadRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “download”.
Public propertyFeedRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “feed”.
Public propertyFirstRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “first”.
Public propertyItems
Public propertyLinks
Public propertyNextRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “next”.
Public propertyPrevRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “prev”.
Public propertySelfRelationLink
Gets the Uri of the link for the relation “self”.
Public propertyTimeStamp
TimeStamp of the result.
Public propertyTitle
The title of the document collection, if it exists.
Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implementationPrivate propertyIRelationsWithProxyProxy
See Also
