LanguageDetection EnumerationDocuWare Platform .NET API

Namespace: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient.Content
Assembly: DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient (in DocuWare.Platform.ServerClient.dll) Version: (

public enum LanguageDetection

  Member nameValueDescription
Auto0 The OCR could automatically detect the language.
FallbackSystemCulture1 The OCR could not automatically detect the language and used the culture of system the OCR was run.
FallbackExplicite2 The OCR could not automatically detect the language and used the languages which are explicitely specified by a user.
Explicite3 The OCR did not try to automatically detect any language. Only the languages which are explicitely specified by a user are used.
DocuWareLanguageIdentifier4 The language was detected by the majority voting algorithm used inside DocuWare.

See Also