Section MethodsDocuWare Platform .NET API
The Section type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetDocumentContentFromTextshotRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “textshot”.
Public methodGetDocumentContentFromTextshotRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “textshot” asynchronously.
Public methodGetDocumentFromDocumentRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “document”.
Public methodGetDocumentFromDocumentRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “document” asynchronously.
Public methodGetSectionFromSelfRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “self”.
Public methodGetSectionFromSelfRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “self” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromContentRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “content”.
Public methodGetStreamFromContentRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “content” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImage”.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImage” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageWithAnnotationRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImageWithAnnotation”.
Public methodGetStreamFromDeepZoomImageWithAnnotationRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “deepZoomImageWithAnnotation” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromFileDownloadRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “fileDownload”.
Public methodGetStreamFromFileDownloadRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “fileDownload” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromIconRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “icon”.
Public methodGetStreamFromIconRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “icon” asynchronously.
Public methodGetStreamFromThumbnailRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “thumbnail”.
Public methodGetStreamFromThumbnailRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “thumbnail” asynchronously.
Public methodGetWordSearchResultFromPositionsRelation
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “positions”.
Public methodGetWordSearchResultFromPositionsRelationAsync
Calls the HTTP Get method on the link for the relation “positions” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToContentRelationForSection
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “content”.
Public methodPostToContentRelationForSectionAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “content” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToFileDownloadRelationForStream
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “fileDownload”.
Public methodPostToFileDownloadRelationForStreamAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “fileDownload” asynchronously.
Public methodPostToPositionsRelationForWordSearchResult
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “positions”.
Public methodPostToPositionsRelationForWordSearchResultAsync
Calls the HTTP Post method on the link for the relation “positions” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToContentRelationForSection
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “content”.
Public methodPutToContentRelationForSectionAsync
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “content” asynchronously.
Public methodPutToTextshotRelationForString
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “textshot”.
Public methodPutToTextshotRelationForStringAsync
Calls the HTTP Put method on the link for the relation “textshot” asynchronously.
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