Creates a link to integrate the Web Viewer for displaying a document.
The source of the document could be a File Cabinet or a Result List.
Each time the link is called, the query runs in the background,
even if no results are displayed in the Result List.
Document ID
Displays a document by the transmitted document id.
Following information needed:
Example File Cabinet
var server = @"serveraddress";
string orgGuid = "OrgGuid";
var serverUrl = $"https://{server}/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient";
DWIntegrationInfo dwInfo = new DWIntegrationInfo(serverUrl, orgGuid, false);
var integrationType = IntegrationType.Viewer;
var dwParam = new DWIntegrationUrlParameters(integrationType)
FileCabinetGuid = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"),
DocId = "1",
Culture = new CultureInfo("en-En")
var dwUrl = new DWIntegrationUrl(dwInfo, dwParam);
var url = dwUrl.Url;
//Result https://serveraddress:443/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient/ORGID/Integration?culture=en-EN&p=V&fc=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&did=1
Example Result List
var server = @"serveraddress";
string orgGuid = "OrgGuid";
var serverUrl = $"https://{server}/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient";
DWIntegrationInfo dwInfo = new DWIntegrationInfo(serverUrl, orgGuid, false);
var integrationType = IntegrationType.Viewer;
var dwParam = new DWIntegrationUrlParameters(integrationType)
ResultListGuid = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"),
DocId = "1",
Culture = new CultureInfo("en-En")
var dwUrl = new DWIntegrationUrl(dwInfo, dwParam);
var url = dwUrl.Url;
//Result https://serveraddress:443/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient/ORGID/Integration?culture=en-EN&p=V&rl=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&did=1
Querying the File Cabinet or Result List to get the document.
Only the first result will be returned.
To prevent false displaying create a query that will always return a single document!
The Query can be build with index fields marked with square brackets [ ] and the following operators:
Comparison operators:
- = equals exactly the value
- LIKE can use asterisk* wildcard to complete the comparison
Logic Operators:
- OR comparison A or comparison B is valid
- AND comparison A and comparison B is valid
Following information needed:
Example File Cabinet
var server = @"serveraddress";
string orgGuid = "OrgGuid";
var serverUrl = $"https://{server}/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient";
DWIntegrationInfo dwInfo = new DWIntegrationInfo(serverUrl, orgGuid, false);
var integrationType = IntegrationType.Viewer;
var dwParam = new DWIntegrationUrlParameters(integrationType)
FileCabinetGuid = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"),
Culture = new CultureInfo("en-En")
dwParam.Query = @"[DocuWareFulltext] LIKE ""*Invoice 123*""AND [COMPANY] = ""Peters Engineering"" AND [Status] = ""done""";
var dwUrl = new DWIntegrationUrl(dwInfo, dwParam);
var url = dwUrl.Url;
//Result https://serveraddress:443/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient/ORGID/Integration?culture=en-EN&p=V&fc=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&q=W0RvY3VXYXJlRnVsbHRleHRdIExJS0UgIipJbnZvaWNlIDEyMyoiQU5EIFtDT01QQU5ZXSA9ICJQZXRlcnMgRW5naW5lZXJpbmciIEFORCBbU3RhdHVzXSA9ICJkb25lIg2
Example Result List
var server = @"serveraddress";
string orgGuid = "OrgGuid";
var serverUrl = $"https://{server}/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient";
DWIntegrationInfo dwInfo = new DWIntegrationInfo(serverUrl, orgGuid, false);
var integrationType = IntegrationType.Viewer;
var dwParam = new DWIntegrationUrlParameters(integrationType)
ResultListGuid = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"),
Culture = new CultureInfo("en-En")
dwParam.Query = @"[DocuWareFulltext] LIKE ""*Invoice 123*""AND [COMPANY] = ""Peters Engineering"" AND [Status] = ""done""";
var dwUrl = new DWIntegrationUrl(dwInfo, dwParam);
var url = dwUrl.Url;
//Result https://serveraddress:443/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient/ORGID/Integration?culture=en-EN&p=V&rl=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&q=W0RvY3VXYXJlRnVsbHRleHRdIExJS0UgIipJbnZvaWNlIDEyMyoiQU5EIFtDT01QQU5ZXSA9ICJQZXRlcnMgRW5naW5lZXJpbmciIEFORCBbU3RhdHVzXSA9ICJkb25lIg2