Creates a link to a list containing all previous versions of the document.
You need to activate version management for the used file cabinet to be able to use said link.
Document ID
Displays the history of the document with the transferred Document ID.
Following information needed:
var server = @"serveraddress";
string orgGuid = "OrgGuid";
var serverUrl = $"https://{server}/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient";
DWIntegrationInfo dwInfo = new DWIntegrationInfo(serverUrl, orgGuid, false);
var integrationType = IntegrationType.DocumentHistory;
var dwParam = new DWIntegrationUrlParameters(integrationType)
FileCabinetGuid = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"),
DocId = "1",
Culture = new CultureInfo("en-En")
var dwUrl = new DWIntegrationUrl(dwInfo, dwParam);
var url = dwUrl.Url;
//Result https://serveraddress:443/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient/ORGID/Integration?culture=en-EN&p=DH&fc=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&did=1